Evelyn Nesbit by Gertrude Käsebier


Evelyn Nesbit (1884-1967) est une danseuse de revue américaine. Attirant l'attention par sa beauté frappante, elle posa pour plusieurs artistes et photographes de renom. Elle est considérée comme l'une des Gibson Girls les plus marquantes. Sa notoriété lui vient principalement de son implication dans le meurtre de son ex-amant, l'architecte Stanford White, par son premier mari, Harry Kendall Thaw.

Evelyn Nesbit (1884-1967) was a popular American chorus girl, an artists' model, and an actress.


  1. The subject is just beautiful but the quality of the wonderful. Thank you for posting it, it is always a delight to see quality pictures which are often much better that some modern portraits.

  2. Many thanks Summertime75 and MistyClouds : )

  3. Can you please tell me how/where you got this photo? Charles Dana Gibson is one of my most favorite artists of all time but I've never before seen a photo that he took. Thanks, Romulo

    1. You can see the source of this picture by clicking on the link "via" but I have made a mistake. It's not by Gibson but by Gertrude Kasebier. Sorry Romulo :)
